The Home
Coming Soon
A town almost forgotten; perhaps it should have been.
The Home for Us – now just known as The Home by the town of Line Ridge. Once it belonged to some corporation or other that no one remembers the name of, conducting tests no one spoke of and giving refuge to people no one really knew, or cared to. It was a place for people who had no other place to go, and nobody asked questions when some of those people quietly disappeared.
Once the corporation moved on, The Home stood empty; . Still flying flags, using the post office and living their respectable lives, the town is mostly supportive when newcomers want to turn The Home into an addiction-treatment center. Mostly.
It’s about time this town got some new blood – and blood is just what they’ll get.
Christina Devin – she believes in recovery, absolutely. That’s why she and her daughter moved to Line Ridge in Nowhere, USA. The opportunity to head up a new chapter of The Home for Us – previously a multi-use psych ward, she knows, but now the chance to bring it back to life in the name of Rehabilitation! Second chances, third chances, everyone deserves all the chances they need.
Hope is her goal – her challenge – her inspiration – will it be her downfall?