Updated: Dec 9, 2022
For want to wake I’m standing torn
On this great precipice of unrest
As though on a cliff of equal fervor
That never pauses to hear th’murmur
Of the ever-winding ridge
Housing rivers of winding water
Yet instead drops high and sheer
W’thought the thought of life a’near.
Even knowing I am spared
Seeing the same dawn of a different morn
I know this rest was anything but,
For having been mired in the mares.
And I am grateful to my dreams
Though often I’ve despaired
Of what certain of them mean.
Though it’s perhaps no thing atall
But to wake I’ll abandon them
Knowing little of how they seamt
Awaking to another life; undreamt
Unfelt, unheard, and desperately untoward
I’ll wake to sleep again,
Where for wanting to wake, I shall be torn.